
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
In episode 52, I talk with Brandy from Mississippi Roots, LLC. Brandy liquidates estates for people. What this means is she helps people sell belongings that they have inherited from a loved one that has passed away. Brandy has previously owned her own antiques store and she is very experienced in understanding the value of items left behind in an estate. She works on a commission bases, so there is typically no upfront cost to work with her. If you would like to work with her, you can send her a message on Facebook or call her at (228) 326-9962.
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Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
In episode 51, I talk with Ginny from Recipero Massage and Wellness. Recipero Massage and Wellness is located in Diamondhead and offers tailored massages therapy treatments. Whether you are looking for a relaxing massage or something that can target a specific problem area, they have you covered. They also offer yoga sessions. The current pandemic has her business temporarily on hold. However, in the interview Ginny explains how she misses doing what she loves and can’t wait to get back to interacting with her clients. Once things go back to normal, if you’re looking for a place to relax and focus on your mental and physical health, go check her out!
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Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
In episode 50 we talk with the guys from the AF Reserve Hurricane Hunters located right here in Biloxi at Keesler Air Force Base. For those of us that live on the gulf coast, the Hurricane Hunters are very well known. They provide vital information on hurricane strength and direction. Major Mark Withy and Tech Sergeant Christopher Carranza talk to us about what it's like to fly into the eye of a hurricane. They also give us an insight into the type of information they collect during their mission and how that information is then processed to make the prediction models seen on the news. There is a lot of good information in this episode. Enjoy!
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Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
In episode 49 we talk with Superintendent of Pascagoula-Gautier Schools Wayne Rodolfich. Wayne talks to us about how he and his team of educators are handling the current pandemic. He describes how the school system has had to move their classes online during this time. Since there are some students who do not have access to the internet, this presents a set of challenges that must also be addressed. Wayne also talks about growing up here on the gulf coast and he describes how he transitioned from a coach to an administrator.
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Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
In episode 48 I talk with Sara from Portside Fitness in Gulfport. Sara has operated Portside Fitness for seven years now. She discusses how her and her coaches have moved to online classes using Zoom in order to stay engaged with their members. We also talk about how to over come some of the barriers people might have to starting a workout plan. We both on agree that physical exercise plays an extremely important part in improving mental health. One way to combat any feelings of depression or anxiety associated with the Covid-19 pandemic is staying active and exercising. You can join their online program now. Hit them up on Facebook if you want to focus on and improve your health.
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Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
In episode 47 I talk with Josh from Gold Tap Honey. Josh is a local beekeeper here on the gulf coast. Josh explains how he started raising bees and selling honey to local businesses. He also explains the difference between store bought honey and locally produced honey. You can find Gold Tap Honey being used to make specialty drinks at White Pillars Restaurant and Lounge. Josh says the current pandemic hasn’t negatively affected his business yet. You can check them out and order their honey on their Facebook page or on their web site at https://www.goldtaphoney.com/
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Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
In episode 46, I talk with Jennifer from Cheeky Monkey Cake Company about how she is dealing with Covid-19. Cheeky Monkey is a custom cake shop located in Biloxi. Jennifer explains how this pandemic has made it harder for her to make a personal connection with her customer. However, her and her employees are utilizing everything at their disposal to provide their customers with the same service they have come to expect. Cheeky Monkey is also doing an adopt a hero program where for $25 you can send a dozen cupcakes to first responders and healthcare professionals currently working to keep us all safe during this time. If you would like to donate, send an email to Simon@cheekymonkeycakes.com.
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Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
In episode 45 I talk with Eric Sievers and Jordan. Eric is works for Bancorpsouth and he is their SBA liaison. Jordan is a local CPA who works for Piltz, Williams, LaRosa & Company. Both of them had spent time reading about the new economic stimulus that was recently enacted by the federal government. We talk about how to apply for the relief and how it could help your business. If you liked to apply, visit www.sba.gov/disaster. And for more information go to www.treasury.gov/. Hopefully this information can help your business and your employees.
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Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
In episode 44 we talk with Jonathan Maisano from Maisano's Fine Wine and Spirits in Ocean Springs. The topic of Bourbon is one we have wanted to tackle for a while now. So, we called in an expert. Jonathan knows a lot about Bourbon. He regularly travels to the distilleries to sample and pick specific barrels he feels are good enough to be called Maisono hand selected Single Barrel. Jonathan explains how Bourbons are made and he also walks us through a taste testing. Check it out and let us know in the comments below if you learned anything new about Bourbon.
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Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
In episode 43 I talk with Mayor Shea Dobson of Ocean Springs. We talk about how the city of Ocean Springs has been dealing with the Covid-19 Pandemic. Mayor Dobson discusses some of the decisions he has had to make in the past few weeks as he tries to keep people safe while also keeping in mind how new city ordinances will affect small businesses. We then discuss the traffic problems faced by the city and his position on medical marijuana. Hope you enjoy!
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